Saturday, May 24, 2008

So my hubby's parents are getting here this morning. He's so excited. Funny that he expresses that excitement by taking the van to clean it out instead of helping me get the house ready (like washing the sheets for the bed they'll sleep on). I know, he's a boy. So I don't have time to write much...I gotta clean their bathroom, wash their sheets and finish picking up the house while Phoenix sleeps (Brett took Zadie with him). Our morning pattern is that after Phoenix gets up to eat (usually around 6 am which means that most nights he's sleeping ALL night, Praise God!) I put him in our bed and he sleeps for another few hours. While that happens I gulp my coffee, feed Zadie and get whatever else I can done before he wakes up. This morning I'm posting when I should be working!!icon_doh I know...not the brightest thing I've ever done. Ok, I'm off to clean...I'll leave you with a few cute picturesheartbeat

"What's that bright flashy thing?!? Oh, it's just mom taking another bazillion pictures of the cute boy..."

Dad taught her how to rinse her own hair and she thinks it's pretty cool...

Yes, she's still in the dress phase. I got this cute one for $5 at Walmart.

I've been letting her play in her room recently...she thinks its great fun to jump on the bed. (usually I've kept her room closed off because I can't see her in there unless I'm in the room with her. She finds trouble so fast that it was always just easier to keep her out by me...)

Oh, and of course she drug all her favorite toys in there...

And a few of my pretty Fuzz-butt Harley
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